Thermal Science and Engineering


Table of contents

Volume 6 (1998) (Number 1 / Number 2 / Number 3 / Number 4)

(1998, Vol. 6, No. 4)

Molecular Dynamics Study on Intermolecular Energy Transfer in Water (in Japanese)
Ohara T. and Odagiri H.
- - -    1
Development of a Simultaneous Heat and Mass Recovery System for Exhaust Gas
Takimoto A., Kanayama Y., Tada Y. and Hayashi Y.
- - -    9
A Study on Multithread Algorithm for Velocity Vector Calculation in PIV (in Japanese)
Kobayashi K. P., Yamamoto K. and Yoshida H.
- - -    17
Studies on Blow-off Limit of Circular Diffusion Lifted Flame (A Continued Report) (in Japanese)
Maki H. and Suzuki K.
- - -    27
Water Evaporation on a Nanoporous Cylinder Surface in Forced Airflows (in Japanese)
Hara S. and Suzuki T.
- - -    33

(1998, Vol. 6, No. 3)

Formation of NO in Laminar Premixed Flames of Propane, Ethane and Methane (in Japanese)
Sano T. and Yamashiro R.
- - -    1
Molecular Dynamics Study on Self-Diffusion of Liquid
Iwaki T.
- - -    11
Enhancement and Stability of Heat Transfer from a Superheated Surface by Mist Flow
Kosaka A., Takegoshi E., Takimoto A. and Hayashi Y.
- - -    19
Development of a Function-Integrated Decentralized Air-Conditioning System (in Japanese)
Kozawa Y., Kikuchi S., Masuda M., Fujimoto M., Saitoh H. and Kohda K.
- - -    25

(1998, Vol. 6, No. 2)

Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Pipe Flow with Nonuniform Surface Heat Flux (in Japanese)
Satake S. and Kunugi T.
- - -    1
Natural Convection Heat Transfer of Fluid with Temperature-Dependent Specific Heat (in Japanese)
Tanaka A., Kubo S. and Akino N.
- - -    9
Heat Transfer Characteristics of Annular Type Heat Pipes Rotating around the Horizontal Axis
Mizuta K., Hashimoto R., Takahashi Y. and Huang S.
- - -    21

(1998, Vol. 6, No. 1)

Heat/Mass Transfer and Adsorption Dynamics in a Honeycomb Adsorbent: Application of the Simplified Local Density Model
Fedrov A. and Viskanta R.
- - -    1
Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Newe Adsorption Polymers for Advanced Adsoption Cycle
Inaba H.
- - -    11
Development of NH3-H2O Absorption Heat Pump Using GAX Cycle for Residential Use
Watanabe Y., Kawabata K.and Torikoshi K.
- - -    19
Progress in CO2 Vapor Compression Systems
Pettersen J. and Aarlien R.
- - -    25
Heat Transfer in Evaporation of Natural Refrigerants: A State-of-the-Art Review
Auracher H.
- - -    35
Transport Phenomena in an Orifice Pulse Tube Refrigerator/Cryocooler
Cheng P. and Zhao T.S.
- - -    45
The Prediction of the Thermophysical Properties of Multicomponent Mixtures
Wakeham W.A.
- - -    53
Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants and Refrigerant Mixtures
Dymond J. H.
- - -    59
Transport Properties and Density of Refrigerants: How well do we know them and why
Assael M.J. and dlauti N. K.
- - -    69
Recent Advances in Researches on Thermophysical Properties of Multi-component Refrigerants
Gao X. and Nagashima A.
- - -    77
Control Against Frost Growth by Electric Field
Nozaki T. and Kumada M.
- - -    85
Impact of Hydrophobic Coating on the Frost Buildup and Defrost Performance of a Heat Pump Evaporator
O'Neal D.L. Bryant J.A.and Parker B.
- - -    91
Characteristics Estimation of Heat Exchangers Operting with Frosting
Aoki K.and Sawada M.
- - -    99
Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of Binary Refrigerant Mixtures in a Vertical Tube
Fujita Y. and Tsutsui M.
- - -    105
Convective Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer with a Twisted-Tape Insert for R12,R22, R152a, R134a, R290, R32/134a, R32/R152a, R290/R134a, R134a/R600a
Kedzieski M.A.and Kim M.S.
- - -    113
Condensation of Binary Refrigerant Mixtures in Horizontal Smooth Tube
Koyama S., Yu J.and Ishibashi A.
- - -    123
Design and Development of PCM-Based Evaporators for Refigeration Systems with Applications to Household Refrigerators
Mithal P. andYang K.T.
- - -    131
Micro Heat Exchanger for Refrigeration
Inoue T., Hijikata K.,Fujii K., Chum B.I. and Suzuki Y.
- - -    139
Formation of Mushy Region in Freezing of Aqueous Solution
Hayashi Y., Yoshioka H., Kunimine K. and Tada Y.
- - -    147
Heterogeneous Nucleation of Supercooled Water and Analysis of Ice Dendrite Growth Mechanism
Aoki H., Miura T. and Chirifu S.
- - -    153
Characteristics ofMicroencapsulated Phase Change Material Slurry as Energy Transportation Refrigerant
Takeuchi H., Pyatenco A., YamagishiY., Sugeno T. and Ishige T.
- - -    163
System and Components for Cokd Thermal Storage With Sluch Ice
Fukusako S., Yamada M. and Kawanami T.
- - -    169
Evaluation of New Compositon of R497- Series for Air Conditioners
Okaza N., Funakura M. and Yoshida Y.
- - -    179
