Thermal Science and Engineering


Table of contents

Volume 15 (2007)
(Number 1/Number 2/Number 3/Number 4)

(2007, Vol. 15, No. 4)

(Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Heat Transfer behind a Rectangular Orifice)
牧野 総一郎,岩本 薫,河村 洋 (Makino, S., Iwamoto, K. and Kawamura, H.)
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(Enhancement of Condensation on a Vertical Plate (Effect of Dispersed Fin Length on Characteristic of Condensation))
儲 仁才,畠中 勉,西尾 茂文 (Chu, R., Hatanaka, T. and Nishio, S.)
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(Numerical simulation of hydrothermal autoclave for single crystal growth process)
増田 善雄,鈴木 明,三川 豊,Valery Chani,横山 千昭,塚田 隆夫 (Masuda, Y., Suzuki, A., Mikawa, Y., Chani, V., Yokoyama, C. and Tsukada, T.)
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(Investigation on two-phase flow dynamics with discrete bubble model)
網 健行,梅川 尚嗣,小澤 守,庄司 正弘 (Ami, T., Umekawa, H., Ozawa, M. and Shouji, M.)
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第1報 脈動周波数が管内に設置された平板面の熱伝達に及ぼす影響
(Heat and Mass Transport Characteristics of Pulsating Flow in a Rectangular Duct
Part 1. Effect of Pulsating Frequency on Heat Transfer of a Flat Plate installed in the Duct)
齊藤 弘順,内田 浩二 (Saitoh, H. and Uchida, K.)
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(Two-dimensional rarefaction waves in the high-speed two-phase flow)
中川 勝文,原田 敦史 (Nakagawa, M. and Harada, A.)
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LES による微粉炭燃焼解析
(Large Eddy Simulation of Pulverized Coal Combustion)
山本 研二,岡崎 輝幸,室田 知也,谷口 正行 (Yamamoto, K., Okazaki, T., Murota, T. and Taniguchi, M.)
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Heat Transport Device with Phase Change Using Two Parallel Tubes [Short Note]
Cirtog, A. P., Mochizuki, S., Murata, A. and Ionel, I.
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(2007, Vol. 15, No. 3)

(Effect of Salt Additives to Water on the Severity of Vapor Explosions and on the Collapse of Vapor Film)
新井 崇洋,古谷 正裕 (Arai, T. and Furuya, M.)

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(Experimental Study on Fundamental Phenomena of Nucleate-Boiling by Using Heat Transfer Surface with Artificial Cavities Created by MEMS Technology)
佐藤 隆登,小泉 安郎,大竹 浩靖 (Sato, T., Koizumi, Y. and Ohtake, H.)

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Molecular Dynamics Study on Wave Equation of Liquid
Zolotoukhina, T. and Iwaki, T.
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(Oscillatory Thermocapillary Convection of Half-Zone Liquid Bridge with Consideration of Ambient Air Motion and Heat Transfer)
原島 正和,川目 悟史,河村 洋 (Harashima, M., Kawame, S. and Kawamura, H.)
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中空矩形物体内外の自然対流シミュレーション -冷却時における伝熱特性-
(Simulation of Natural Convection Inside and Outside a Non-Adiabatic Cubic Shell
-Characteristics of Heat Transfer during the Cooling Process-)
大倉 学,小野 清秋 (Okura, M. and Ono, K.)

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(Sorption Characteristics of Sorption Material Coated on Heat Transfer surface of a Heat Exchanger)
稲葉 英男,小松 富士夫,堀部 明彦,春木 直人,町田 明登
(Inaba, H., Komatsu, F., Horibe, A., Haruki, N. and Machida, A.)

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(On the Large-Scale Structure of Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Plane Couette Flow)
塚原 隆裕,岩本 薫,河村 洋(Tsukahara, T., Iwamoto, K. and Kawamura, H.)
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(Generalization of Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference Method for Heat Exchanger Performance Analysis)
宇多村 元昭,ニキチン コンスタンチン,加藤 恭義 (Utamura, M., Nikitin, K. and Kato, Y.)

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to TOP

(2007, Vol. 15, No. 2)

(Automobile Industry’s Action on Environments and Relevant Thermal and Fluid Dynamics [Review Lecture Paper])
小林信雄,池上徹 (Kobayashi, N. and Ikegami, T.) (pdfファイル)
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(Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Droplet Impingement on Solid Wall)
松本充弘,中澤伸之 (Matsumoto, M. and Nakazawa, S.) (pdfファイル)
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(Study on Condensing Heat Transfer Test under High Temperature and High Pressure Conditions)
師岡慎一,久保伸二,白川健悦,湯浅寛子,山本哲三,小野寛 (Morooka, S., Kubo, S., Shirakawa, K., Yuasa, H., Yamamoto, T. and Ono, H.) (pdfファイル)
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(Development of a High-Performance Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchanger with Vortex Generators for a Vending Machine)
岩崎正道,齋藤博史,望月貞成,村田章 (Iwasaki, M., Saito, H., Mochizuki, S. and Murata, A.) (pdfファイル)
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(Unsteady Characteristics of Three-Core Molten Salt Reactor―A Study on Load-Following Capability―)
山本高久,三田地紘史,西尾正寿 (Yamamoto, T., Mitachi, K. and Nishio, M.) (pdfファイル)
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プログラミング可能なLSI による二次元定常熱伝導シミュレータ
(Simulator of Two-Dimensional Steady Heat Conduction by Programmable LSI)
佐竹信一,廣井義明,増田信之,伊藤智義 (Satake, S., Hiroi, Y., Masuda, N. and Ito, T.) (pdfファイル)
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(2007, Vol. 15, No. 1)

(Micropump Using Boiling Propagation Phenomena on a Silicon Substrate)
金政T,奥山邦人,森昌司 (Kim, J.-H., Okuyama, K. and Mori, S.) (pdfファイル)
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(Synthesis of Vertically-Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Micro Structure of Atmospheric Pressure Non-Equilibrium Plasma)
大西空摩,野崎智洋,岡崎健,Joachim Heberlein,Uwe Kortshagen (Ohnishi, K., Nozaki, T., Okazaki, K., Heberlein, J. and Kortshagen, U.) (pdfファイル)
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(A Study of Liquid-Layer Structures under Vapor Mass in CHF Region)
井出幸佑,鴨志田隼司,弓座京子 (Ide, K., Kamoshida, J. and Yumiza, K.) (pdfファイル)
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(Effects of Thermal Conduction in the Wall on Mixed Convective Heat Transfer and Flow in a Horizontal Square Duct)
一宮浩市,鳥山孝司,渡邉久洋 (Ichimiya, K., Toriyama, K. and Watanabe, H.) (pdfファイル)
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(Numerical Analysis of Combustion in a Compressed Natural Gas Direct Injection Engine)
野村佳洋,稲垣英人,塚崎之弘 (Nomura, Y., Inagaki, H. and Tsukasaki, Y.) (pdfファイル)
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含水多孔質を用いた過熱水蒸気の急速生成 [Short Note]
(Rapid Generation of Superheated Steam Using a Water-containing Porous Material [Short Note])
森昌司,奥山邦人 (Mori, S. and Okuyama, K.) (pdfファイル)
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Ti薄膜ガス拡散層を用いた固体高分子形燃料電池(PEFC)におけるフラッディング条件の解析 [Short Note]
(Analysis of Flooding Criteria of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEFCs) with Ti Thin Film Gas Diffusion Layer [Short Note])
三浦敦佑,伏信一慶,岡崎健 (Miura, T., Fushinobu, K. and Okazaki, K.) (pdfファイル)
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